Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy is recognised by the medical profession and NICE to be one of the most effective treatments for IBS with long-lasting results.
You've undoubtedly had a long journey to get here and yet, you're still looking for a solution.
Thanks to incredible advancements in neuroscience and research on the gut-brain connection, we are able to offer a specifically directed course of sessions that support you in managing and reducing your IBS symptoms.
Every plan is overshadowed by what-ifs
And you barely recognise yourself as the person you used to be
Tried everything and keep hitting disappointment
Some things help a little, then it's back to square one
You're probably searching for a miracle solution! That elusive unicorn!
Although we don't deal in unicorns, we do have some incredibly fast and effective solutions based in neuroscience, good gut-health and the gut-brain connection.
Gut-Directed hypnotherapy helps to regulate the central nervous system, reducing physical and emotional stressors and triggers that can contribute to ongoing digestive system dysfunction.
You might be recommended for Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy following the exclusion of other conditions and an eventual diagnosis of IBS. A diagnosis can be a long process that is fraught with disappointment and dead-ends. Hypnotherapy for IBS considers all aspects of your experience of IBS and its impact on your life.
Scientific research shows us that although IBS is not psychological in origin, psychological factors do exacerbate symptoms. Making adjustments to those psychological factors can have a huge impact on the experience of the condition and it's management.
From the World Journal of Gastroenterology; “..psychological stresses have marked impact on intestinal sensitivity, motility, secretion, and permeability, and the underlying mechanism has a close correlation with (...) alterations in the central nervous system, peripheral neurons and gastrointestinal microbiota.”
Hormones that are released when we are under stress, whether that is physical or emotional stress, can negatively affect our microbiome and gut motility. Hypnotherapy has been shown to affect the microbiome via the gut-brain axis positively, reduce the associated stress, and assist in managing pain and psychological barriers created by the ongoing symptoms.
Irritable bowel Syndrome can be triggered by a specific event such as a personal challenge, a traumatic experience, or a prolonged period of stress, ill health, or a sickness bug. Sometimes, there appears to be no obvious cause, but a cycle of symptom-stress-symptom can prevail.
We will provide you with tools and skills to interrupt that cycle and settle things down.
It is important that you visit your GP to eliminate any other concerns around your symptoms before progressing with hypnotherapy.
We'll meet online for a short introduction via phone or Zoom.
You can tell me a bit about yourself and what you're experiencing and ask any questions you have about the program and how it all works.
During the initial consultation, we cover a lot of ground about how and why you are experiencing what you are and how the sessions will help you.
You'll have an introduction to hypnotherapy to get you off to a good start.
Online or face-to-face in Stroud. Each approach has proven to be equally effective.
The sessions are typically an hour long and we cover a range of psychotherapy, hypnosis, neuroscience, gut-health, mindfulness, and coaching strategies.
Often deeply relaxing, this particular approach to hypnosis is focused on the gut and supporting effective gut function and motility, as well as helping you to cope much better with your symptoms.
There will be an opportunity to discuss your diet and food choices. Some people find it difficult to stick with elimination or restrictive diets. We can cover this within the sessions too.
You'll have access to additional hypnosis recordings to listen to between the sessions as well as take-home PDF, video, and audio support materials to stay on track with your progress.
The sessions are relaxing and positive and help to put you back in control.
It is recommended to have a minimum of 8 individual hour-long sessions, held weekly.
These are held online or face-to-face. You'll be provided with additional resources and support along the way.
Occasional follow-up sessions might be beneficial for some, we will monitor progress along the way as well as have an initial assessment to get clear on the best approach for you.
The eight-session package is available now for £897 with a free introductory call.
You don't need any special skills to experience hypnosis. You don't even need to to 'hypnotizable'!
All you need is a willingness to try and a commitment to following the advice in the program to the best of your ability.
I will meet you where you are and the sessions are tailored to suit you.
Nik Bisbey Hypnotherapy and Coaching
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